Mavis Nong, Spills the Beans On The Short-Cut Steps She Took To Build A Successful Blog And Raving Fans In 8 Months
![Mavis Nong - underground blogging secrets Mavis Nong underground blogging secret [Interview] Famous Blogger, Mavis Nong Reveals Her Underground Blogging Success Secrets](
Last week, we had on the pleasure of learning at the feet of wonderful Super Affiliate, Lynn Terry and today we have another special internet marketer and blogger, whose success story is one most bloggers would envy.
Today I have the pleasure to present to you a top blogger and brilliant internet marketer who I admire greatly. She is one of the ‘zero to hero’ success stories in the industry. She is no other than the rave of the moment, Mavis Nong of Attraction Marketing Online Blog, a high page rank and high alexa ranking (below 40000) blog and one of the best go-to places for any topic on the subject of blogging secrets.
Unless you’re a new blogger, you’d have seen Mavis everywhere – either her guest posts, her comments, her mentions and more. But just in case you didn’t know, Mavis is a highly sought after, top blogger who took massive action only 8 months ago and has already managed pretty well to build a wildly successful blog and business.
Note: By the way, if you landed on this page looking to buy Mavis Nong’s Underground Blogging Secrets Official Website, the link is below:
*Note: This interview posted here is an abridged version of the interview; you can download the FULL Interview (PDF) at the end of this post.
Mavis Nong’s Enviable Score Card – Achieved Only 8 Months Into Blogging
In just 8 short months online blogging, Mavis has garnered an enviable score card. She was recognised and featured as follows:
- #4 in the Famous Bloggers-Comluv Traffic Generation Blogging Contest 2011
- #19 in the Top 50 MLM Blogs
- 16 Best Blog Carnival Entries
- Top 50 Remarkable Bloggers
- One of the 12 Female Bloggers to Watch in 2011
- One of the 125 Fearless Female Bloggers
- 12 Year-End Blog Posts
Do you see why you should be listening to Mavis if you want to achieve rapid blogging success – she has proven herself a blogging authority.
Highlights of the Underground Blogging Secrets Interview With Mavis Nong
In this interview, we’re going to pick Mavis’ brain (with her permission, by the way) to peek behind the scenes of Mavis’ blogging business to learn ‘what’s working today’, blogging secrets for success, new short-cuts, tips and tricks that we can take action to lift our own businesses off the ground to where it we want it to be (at the top).
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Stella: Mavis, welcome and thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be in this interview. I’m super excited to have you in the ‘hot seat’ here today, to talk about your“Underground Blogging Secrets” and short-cuts our readers can copy to replicate your speedy blogging success for themselves.
Mavis: Thank you so much for having me here and for such a fantastic introduction, Stella.
Mavis, let’s start by having you tell us about who you are and share your blogging and online business start-up story
Absolutely! I’m a full-time internet marketer, working from the comfort of my home, around my two beautiful daughters. I’m really grateful for this opportunity – to be able to spend quality time with my family and to have the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. It’s priceless.
I started blogging back in June 2009 and I didn’t know what I was doing back then. I heard that I needed to have a blog for personal branding, but I didn’t have the knowledge and skills. It was all new to me but nothing much happened as result. I managed to post regularly but I was getting very little traffic and zero comments. So, in July 2010, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started learning as well as focusing on making my blog a success. Why?
I realised that a blog can be a very powerful marketing tool that you can use to attract targeted and unlimited traffic, if you know what you’re doing, that is (laughter).
Knowing what you know now, If you had to advice a beginner blogger looking for advice on how to make money blogging, what would you say they should focus on or not focus on.
The first thing that you shouldn’t do as a blogger is to pitch your readers – a big turn off. Some to the things that you can do to turn your blog visitors into customers include:
1. Opt-in form can be used to capture your visitors’ contact information so that you can build relationships and market to them.
2. Your visitors are likely to buy when you share the results that you’re seeing by using marketing products and tools.
3. You can offer services on your blog such as blog setup (one of the services that I offer), SEO, copywriting etc.
Turning your blog traffic into massive profits is one of the things that most bloggers struggle with. There are different options that you can implement to make real money every single month, using your blog and those are all covered in practical steps and details in the “Underground Blogging Secrets”. In the fourth video of my course, you will learn in details over 20 different blog profit strategies.
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If you had to start all over again from scratch, how would you rebuild your business blog tomorrow and all you had to do it was less than a 100 dollars and your present knowledge and experience (and no list, no contacts, nothing)? What would your first 30 days of activity look like?
I’m glad you asked that, Stella. Incidentally, the “Underground Blogging Blueprint” is my personal short-cut blueprint to get any blogger from any level, from zero to hero in 31 days. For the sake of time, I’ll share just some of my 30 days to blog success plan – readers can get my day by day, detailed, full blueprint with videos and more in the “Underground Blogging Secrets”.
So in answer to your question, if I were to start all over again, with what I know now, in 30 days I would:
- Join a blog commenting tribe/forum
- Post frequently
- Work on my On-Page SEO
- Be in the Right Niche
- Guest posting on bigger blogs
For more in-depth information on each of those and top high-powered blog promotion strategies and so much more, get the “Underground Blogging Secrets”. It’s very, very affordable. (Here’s the link to download your copy: Download Underground Blogging Secrets)
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That was just like scratching the surface of what I’d do in my first 30 days, knowing what I know now. I could go on and on but for the sake of time limits for this interview, I highly recommend the “Underground Blogging Secrets” where bloggers and internet marketers can get more practical steps in more details, to quickly taking their blogs from where it is today to the top where it should be.
If bloggers can take action and implement what I’m sharing in this interview and also in the“Underground Blogging Secrets” as well as on my blog, they will be totally unstoppable to really build amazing blogs within a very short period of time.
Again, Mavis, if you’re starting a new blog, knowing now what works and what doesn’t how long could you realistically take to get your first 1,000 unique visitors to a brand new blog?
Realistically speaking, 31 days.
To get 1,000 unique visitors to a new blog in 31 days, I would use the same strategies I shared above PLUS all the ‘Underground Blogging Secrets’ in my new course. In fact, I dedicated an entire module to teaching blog traffic and promotion – the exact, same steps I used to take my blog to Page Rank 4 and under 50,000 Alexa ranking in only 8 months. I also taught how I get tons of comments on every single blog post, including the famous over 500 comments to my Famous Bloggers contest entry.
With so many tasks and methods out there for building a successful blog, a beginner is often caught in the trap of busy-ness and jumping to the newest shiny things, with little or no results to show. What would you say are the 3 sure-fire critical activities that you advice a beginner blogger to focus on for rapid blogging success?
First is, to post frequently. Then:
- Blog commenting – When you comment on other blogs, especially top and busy one, you’ll get your blog and your name out there. This strategy alone boosted my blog traffic and put my blog on the right map.
- Blog post promotion – Most beginner bloggers have the “build it, they’ll come” mentality. If you expect traffic to fall on your laps without promoting your content, then you’ll wait for a very long time, I’m afraid. If you want your content to be found, read and shared, then you need to promote it like crazy!
Talking about blog promotion and commenting, in the just concluded Famous Bloggers and Comluv joint Blogging contest your entry simply amazed everyone – over 500 comments and so many Tweets and Facebook shares in a few days. How do you do that?
Thank you, Stella. Simply put, if you want to receive abundantly, then you need to give endlessly. If you don’t leave comments on the other blogs, then don’t expect a whole lot of comments to come your way. When I got started in blogging, I expected people to leave me comment, but I didn’t do the same for others. Things changed when I started visiting other blogs and expressing my thoughts.
About my my Blogging Contest entry, I bought books on blog promotion and I implemented every single thing that I learned from the books. I also asked people to help me. This worked out well for me as I have a large following. So, my networking efforts really paid off in a big way.
There was a lot more that I did to achieve that much reach for my contents. I taught the same, exact strategies I use in one of the modules in the “Underground Blogging Secrets”.
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Your blog has a high Page Rank (PR) of 4 and an Alexa ranking under 50,000. Many bloggers never seem to achieve that in 3 years, even with top notch contents. I know you covered that in your new course but can you share with us briefly some of the strategies that helped you achieve that?
Sure. Here are some of the strategies that I recommend:
- Content syndication – I use different strategies to syndicate my content at the push of a button. This is very powerful as it gives your blog massive exposure , generates traffic and creates quality backlinks from popular sites.
- Guest Blogging
- Social Media Marketing
- Niche Social Bookmarking Sites
- Search Engine Optimization
- Posting frequently (you’ll notice that I mention this multiple times – it’s very important)
- Blog commenting (it includes replying to other commenters’ comments on other blogs – very effective)
Again, those are not all of the methods I used to increase my Page Rank and Alexa rating. You’ll discover so much more strategies, short-cuts and detailed steps in the “Underground Blogging Secrets”.
Tell me, what is that single biggest mistake that you’ve learned the most from? What would you do differently today?
Don’t try and do everything yourself! Delegate and outsource! I learned this the hard way.
I have always believed in doing everything myself but I later realised that it wasn’t smart to do that. With blogging, I only outsource the technical side of things, everything else, I do it myself.
Stella: I like that ‘smart choice = outsourcing’. You know, Mavis, that is so right on point. I started blogging about small and home business outsourcing and it’s interesting to know that many marketers and bloggers are considering lightening their ‘overwhelm’ with the power of outsourcing.
What would you say are the 3 biggest time wasters most bloggers engage in, that you would advice a newbie blogger to stay away from if they must achieve blogging success as fast as you did?
There are a lot of time-wasters that most people struggle with:
1. Social media sites – can be a huge distraction and even an addiction for others.
2. Emails – if you check your emails every 5 minutes, then you’re eating up a lot of your time.
3. Reading blogs – Yes, it’s good to read other blogs and leave meaningful comments. However, if you overdo this, you’ll find yourself spending almost the whole day reading one blog after the other.
2. Emails – if you check your emails every 5 minutes, then you’re eating up a lot of your time.
3. Reading blogs – Yes, it’s good to read other blogs and leave meaningful comments. However, if you overdo this, you’ll find yourself spending almost the whole day reading one blog after the other.
Now let’s peak into your ‘can’t do without tools’. If you must go on a 60 days trip to an island and you are allowed to take with you only 3 of your business tools, what would those be?
Wow, I would love that! (laughter). It would be my laptop, my mobile phone and my journal. I can’t do without them – literally!
Stella: Smart choice: mobile phone guarantees internet access, with which you can blog and also access all your online accounts. And you can still blog.
At this point, you have mentioned the ‘Underground Blogging Secrets’ a lot in the course of this interview. Can you tell us more about it,who it’s targeted at and how to get copies?
Sure. The good news is that have recently launched my very first blogging product calledUnderground Blogging Secrets. It’s my complete zero to hero success blueprint where I taught everything and everything I have learnt and know about blogging from A to Z.
Underground Blogging Secrets is for beginner bloggers who are looking to get their blogs off the ground. It’s also for the intermediate bloggers who want to increase their traffic, leads and sales. So, go there now and grab your own copy and start implementing!
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As you know, in only 8 months I took my brand new blog as a newbie and struggled to get it to a PR 4 and Alexa ranking below 50,000 but I have made sure that other bloggers do not have to struggle to decode blogging success like I did. With the Underground Blogging Secrets, you have all the strategies and tricks to build a top rated and profitable blog faster than I did.
My never before revealed blogging secrets are all given away in that course, and anyone that knows me would know that I deliver my best advice from my heart.
Underground Blogging Secrets is a video course structured in 4 modules covering different areas of blogging and answering common questions that bloggers are asking. It’s targeted at beginners and intermediate bloggers and marketers – everyone at any level will certainly find a couple of tricks and tactics they’ve never heard of before.
Some of the topics I covered in the Underground Blogging Secrets course includes, but not limited to:
- The fail-proof steps I used to create a top blog within 8 months and how you can use my shortcut method to achieve success faster than I did
- Secrets of writing compelling blog contents on demand
- How to have a month’s worth of contents for your blog’s daily posting
- Techniques and tweaks to optimize your blog for readers and search engines
- Killer tools that I use to generate traffic and subscribers on my blog
- How I use my blog to generate traffic to happy buyers
- How I convert my blog traffic to raving fans who are happy to buy from me whenever I make recommendation
- How to generate traffic, comments and sales. It includes 4 modules of video content about blogging myths, blogging tips and effective ways of making money blogging.
- It also covers my underground traffic sites that I used to promote my blog posts and drive traffic back to my blog – not your common sites!
And so much more… Check out the other topics I covered from the link below, as well as some testimonials.
I forgot to mention that in addition to your purchase of the “Underground Blogging Secrets”, you’ll also get 3 extra bonuses including access to me to ask me any blogging question you personally have. Check out the details below:
Stella: Excellent. I bet our readers would be eager to know the price of the ‘Underground Blogging Secrets’ and how to get it, Mavis?
The price is really affordable – for $27 you get full, immediate access to this blogging course. Some people said I was nuts to charge this low price, but I wanted everyone to able to afford to get their own copy.
Stella: That is really affordable, Mavis. I could have said that you’re crazy to give away all that much at that price as similar blogging courses go from $40 and above but again it’s all for good – more bloggers building on a budget can afford it at this price.
On this note, I just want to say thank you so much for your time, Mavis Nong, and for just really openly sharing so much information here. I know I got a lot out of it. I think everyone reading this now enjoyed it. I just want to say how much we appreciate you. Thanks again for that.
Mavis: It’s my pleasure, Stella. Thank you so much for having me – I really appreciate it.
———————– INTERVIEW END ———————–
Conclusion and How to Get A Copy of the “Underground Blogging Secrets”
There you have it – top tips from top blogger, Mavis Nong, for any blogger to go from zero to hero in less than 9 months. Well, with the “Underground Blogging Secrets”, you’ll get all the shortcuts and ninja secret blogging tools and tactics that Mavis
You can check out the Mavis Nong’s Underground Blogging Secrets from the link below:
(Direct link to product creator’s site)
I have created some awesome 7 pack exclusive and complimentary FREE bonuses for the first 30 people who decide to buy Mavis Nong’s Underground Blogging Secrets. You can check the bonuses out here:
=======Grab the Exclusive Underground Blogging Secrets Bonus Pack
(over $150 Value, all for FREE with Underground Blogging Secrets)
What Do You Think About The “Underground Blogging Secrets” ?
I enjoyed doing this interview with Mavis Nong and I’ll be rooting to (try my best) to be the next wonder blogging success, just like her – with the help of her underground blogging secrets code. What about you?
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading and learning about Mavis Nong’s ‘Underground Blogging Secrets’. I did. Before you go, I’d like you to do 2 things for me:
Comment: As usual, I’d love to hear your thoughts about this interview with Mavis Nong. Your comments let me know that you were here, so please leave your footprint:)
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[BONUS] Download Full Interview: Click here: Full Interview – Underground Blogging Secrets PLUS Mystery Bonus (PDF download)
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